Module Osg.Texture_2d

module Texture_2d: sig .. end
Encapsulates OpenGL 2D texture functionality. Doesn't support cube maps, so ignore face parameters.

type t 
osg::Texture2D holder
val create' : unit -> t
val to_state_attribute : t -> Osg.State_attribute.t
val to_texture : t -> Osg.Texture.t
val set_image : t -> Osg.Image.t -> unit
Sets the texture image.
val set_texture_size : t -> int -> int -> unit
val create : ?image:Osg.Image.t ->
?texture_size:int * int ->
?wrap:(Osg.Texture.wrap_parameter * Osg.Texture.wrap_mode) list ->
?filter:(Osg.Texture.filter_parameter * Osg.Texture.filter_mode) list ->
?internal_format:Osg.Texture.internal_format ->
?source_format:Osg.Texture.internal_format ->
?shadow_comparison:bool ->
?shadow_compare_func:Osg.Texture.shadow_compare_func ->
?shadow_texture_mode:Osg.Texture.shadow_texture_mode ->
?shadow_ambient:float ->
?images:(int * Osg.Image.t) list -> unit -> Osg.State_attribute.t
Simplified creation of texture2d state attribute object.
val labl_create : ?image:Osg.Image.t ->
?texture_size:int * int ->
?wrap:(Osg.Texture.wrap_parameter * Osg.Texture.wrap_mode) list ->
?filter:(Osg.Texture.filter_parameter * Osg.Texture.filter_mode) list ->
?internal_format:Osg.Texture.internal_format ->
?source_format:Osg.Texture.internal_format ->
?shadow_comparison:bool ->
?shadow_compare_func:Osg.Texture.shadow_compare_func ->
?shadow_texture_mode:Osg.Texture.shadow_texture_mode ->
?shadow_ambient:float ->
?images:(int * Osg.Image.t) list -> unit -> t
Simplified creation of texture2d object.