Module OsgUtil.Simplifier

module Simplifier: sig .. end
A simplifier for reducing the number of traingles in Osg.Geometry.

type t 
osgUtil::Simplifier holder.
val create' : unit -> t
val to_node_visitor : t -> Osg.Node_visitor.t
val simplify : t -> Osg.Geometry.t -> unit
val set_sample_ratio : t -> float -> unit
Default: 1.0
val set_maximum_error : t -> float -> unit
Set the maximum point error that all point removals must be less than to permit removal of a point. Default: FLT_MAX
val set_maximum_length : t -> float -> unit
Set the maximum length target that all edges must be shorted than. Default: 0.0
val set_do_tri_strip : t -> bool -> unit
Default: true
val set_smoothing : t -> bool -> unit
Default: true
val create : ?sample_ratio:float ->
?maximum_error:float ->
?maximum_length:float ->
?do_tri_strip:bool -> ?smoothing:bool -> unit -> Osg.Node_visitor.t
Simplified creation of simplifier object, Osg.Node_visitor.t returned.
val labl_create : ?sample_ratio:float ->
?maximum_error:float ->
?maximum_length:float ->
?do_tri_strip:bool -> ?smoothing:bool -> unit -> t
Simplified creation of simplifier object.