Namespaces |
namespace | osgIntrospection |
Classes |
class | osgIntrospection::NoDefaultValueAttribute |
| By adding this attribute to a PropertyInfo you specify that there is no default value for that property. More...
class | osgIntrospection::DefaultValueAttribute |
| By adding this attribute to a PropertyInfo you specify a custom default value for that property. More...
struct | osgIntrospection::PropertyGetter |
| Base struct for custom property getters. More...
class | osgIntrospection::CustomPropertyGetAttribute |
| By setting an attribute of this class you can specify a custom object that will be used to retrieve the value of a property instead of the default getter method. More...
struct | osgIntrospection::PropertySetter |
| Base struct for custom property setters. More...
class | osgIntrospection::CustomPropertySetAttribute |
| By setting an attribute of this class you can specify a custom object that will be used to set the value of a property instead of the default setter method. More...
struct | osgIntrospection::PropertyCounter |
| Base struct for custom array property counters. More...
class | osgIntrospection::CustomPropertyCountAttribute |
| By setting an attribute of this class you can specify a custom object that will be used to count the number of items in an array property. More...
struct | osgIntrospection::PropertyAdder |
| Base struct for custom array property adders. More...
class | osgIntrospection::CustomPropertyAddAttribute |
| By setting an attribute of this class you can specify a custom object that will be used to add a new item to an array property. More...
struct | osgIntrospection::PropertyInserter |
| Base struct for custom array property inserters. More...
class | osgIntrospection::CustomPropertyInsertAttribute |
| By setting an attribute of this class you can specify a custom object that will be used to insert a new item to an array property. More...
struct | osgIntrospection::PropertyRemover |
| Base struct for custom array property removers. More...
class | osgIntrospection::CustomPropertyRemoveAttribute |
| By setting an attribute of this class you can specify a custom object that will be used to remove an item from an array property. More...
struct | osgIntrospection::IndexInfo |
| This struct allows customization of an indexed property's index set. More...
class | osgIntrospection::CustomIndexAttribute |
| By default each index in an indexed property is assumed to be an enumeration. More...
class | osgIntrospection::PropertyTypeAttribute |
| Attribute for overriding the type of a property with a custom type. More...
class | osgIntrospection::IndexTypeAttribute |
| Attribute for overriding the type of an index (of an indexed property) with a custom type. More...