OpenSceneGraph Namespace List

Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
osgThe core osg library provides the basic scene graph classes such as Nodes, State and Drawables, and maths and general helper classes
osgDBThe osgDB library provides support for reading and writing scene graphs, providing a plugin framework and file utility classes
osgFXThe osgFX is a NodeKit library that extends the core scene graph to provide a special effects framework
osgGAThe 'GA' in osgGA stands for 'GUI Abstraction'; the osgGA namespace provides facilities to help developers write the glue to allow the osg to work with varying window systems
osgIntrospectionThe osgIntrospection library provides the an introspection/reflection framework for non intrusive run-time querying and calling of class properties and methods
osgParticleThe osgParticle is a NodeKit library that extends the core scene graph to support particle effects
osgShadowThe osgShadow is a NodeKit library that extends the core scene graph to add support for a range of shadow techniques
osgSimThe osgSim is a NodeKit library that extends the core scene graph to support nodes and drawables that specific to the visual simulation, such a navigational light point support and OpenFlight style degrees of freedom transform
osgTerrainThe osgTerrain is a utility library that provides geospecifc terrain database generation support
osgTextThe osgText is a NodeKit library that extends the core scene graph to support high quality text
osgUtilThe osgUtil library provides general purpose utility classes such as update, cull and draw traverses, scene graph operators such a scene graph optimisation, tri stripping, and tessellation
osgViewerThe osgViewer library provides high level viewer functionality designed to make it easier to write a range of differnt types of viewers, from viewers embedded in existing windows via SimpleViewer, through to highly scalable and flexible Viewer and Composite classes

Generated at Sun Oct 14 02:12:04 2007 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.5.3.