osgUtil Namespace Reference

The osgUtil library provides general purpose utility classes such as update, cull and draw traverses, scene graph operators such a scene graph optimisation, tri stripping, and tessellation. More...


class  CubeMapGenerator
 This is the base class for cube map generators. More...
class  CullVisitor
 Basic NodeVisitor implementation for rendering a scene. More...
class  DelaunayConstraint
 DelaunayTriangulator: Utility class that triangulates an irregular network of sample points. More...
class  DelaunayTriangulator
class  DisplayRequirementsVisitor
 A visitor for traversing a scene graph establishing which OpenGL visuals are required to support rendering of that scene graph. More...
class  GLObjectsVisitor
 Visitor for traversing scene graph and setting each osg::Drawable's _useDisplayList flag, with option to immediately compile osg::Drawable OpenGL Display lists and osg::StateAttribute's. More...
class  GLObjectsOperation
class  HalfWayMapGenerator
 This cube map generator produces an Half-way vector map, useful for hardware-based specular lighting effects. More...
class  HighlightMapGenerator
 This cube map generator produces a specular highlight map. More...
class  Intersector
 Pure virtual base class for implementating custom intersection technique. More...
class  IntersectorGroup
 Concrent class for passing multiple intersectors through the scene graph. More...
class  IntersectionVisitor
 InteresectionVisitor is used to testing for intersections with the scene, traversing the scene using generic osgUtil::Intersector's to test against the scene. More...
class  Hit
class  IntersectVisitor
 Basic visitor for ray based collisions of a scene. More...
class  PickVisitor
 Picking intersection visitor specialises the IntersectVistor to allow more convinient handling of mouse picking. More...
class  LineSegmentIntersector
 Concrent class for implementing line intersections with the scene graph. More...
class  BaseOptimizerVisitor
 Helper base class for implementing Optimizer techniques. More...
class  Optimizer
 Traverses scene graph to improve efficiency. More...
class  PlaneIntersector
 Concrent class for implementing polytope intersections with the scene graph. More...
class  PolytopeIntersector
 Concrent class for implementing polytope intersections with the scene graph. More...
class  PositionalStateContainer
 PositionalStateContainer base class. More...
class  ReflectionMapGenerator
 This is the most simple cube map generator. More...
class  RenderBin
 RenderBin base class. More...
class  RegisterRenderBinProxy
 Proxy class for automatic registration of renderbins with the RenderBin prototypelist. More...
class  RenderLeaf
 Container class for all data required for rendering of drawables. More...
class  RenderStage
 RenderStage base class. More...
class  SceneView
 SceneView is literaly a view of a scene, encapsulating the rendering of the scene. More...
class  Simplifier
 A simplifier for reducing the number of traingles in osg::Geometry. More...
class  SmoothingVisitor
 A smoothing visitor for calculating smoothed normals for osg::GeoSet's which contains surface primitives. More...
struct  LessDepthSortFunctor
class  StateGraph
 StateGraph - contained in a renderBin, defines the scene to be drawn. More...
class  Statistics
 Statistics base class. More...
class  StatsVisitor
 StatsVisitor for collecting statistics about scene graph. More...
class  TangentSpaceGenerator
 The TangentSpaceGenerator class generates three arrays containing tangent-space basis vectors. More...
class  Tessellator
 Originally a simple class for tessellating a single polygon boundary. More...
class  TransformAttributeFunctor
 Functor for transforming a drawable's vertex and normal attributes by specified matrix. More...
class  TransformCallback
 TransformCallback is now deprecated, use osg::AnimationPathCallback instead. More...
class  TriStripVisitor
 A tri stripping visitor for converting Geometry surface primitives into tri strips. More...
class  UpdateVisitor
 Basic UpdateVisitor implementation for animating a scene. More...

Detailed Description

The osgUtil library provides general purpose utility classes such as update, cull and draw traverses, scene graph operators such a scene graph optimisation, tri stripping, and tessellation.
Generated at Sun Oct 14 02:12:49 2007 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.5.3.