Module Osg.Group

module Group: sig .. end
General group node which maintains a list of children. Children are reference counted. This allows children to be shared with memory management handled automatically via osg::Referenced.

type t 
osg::Group holder.
val create' : unit -> t
val to_node : t -> Osg.Node.t
val get_num_children : t -> int
val add_child : t -> Osg.Node.t -> unit
val get_child : t -> int -> Osg.Node.t
val set_child : t -> int -> Osg.Node.t -> unit
val remove_child : t -> int -> int -> unit
remove_child pos num_children_to_remove
val labl_create : Osg.Node.t list -> t
val create : Osg.Node.t list -> Osg.Node.t