Module OsgCal.Model

module Model: sig .. end
Instance of OsgCal.Core_model

type t 
osgCal::Model holder
type mesh_adder = t -> OsgCal.Core_mesh.t -> unit 
Adds (or not) specific core mesh to model, you can filter meshes by not adding them to model, and you can change core meshes added to model (see OsgCal.Core_mesh.with_new_parameters)
val add_mesh : t -> OsgCal.Core_mesh.t -> OsgCal.Mesh.t
val default_mesh_adder : mesh_adder
val load : ?mesh_adder:mesh_adder -> OsgCal.Core_model.t -> t
val meshes : t -> string -> OsgCal.Mesh.t list
Get list of meshes with specific name
val to_node : t -> Osg.Node.t
val core_model : t -> OsgCal.Core_model.t
val blend_animation : t ->
?weight:float -> ?delay:float -> ?time_factor:float -> int -> unit
val clear_animation : t -> ?delay:float -> int -> unit
val execute_action : t ->
?delay_in:float ->
?delay_out:float ->
?target_weight:float -> ?auto_lock:bool -> ?time_factor:float -> int -> unit
val remove_action : t -> int -> unit