Index of values

accept [Osg.Node]
Visitor Pattern : calls the apply method of a NodeVisitor with this node's type.
add [Osg.Convex_planar_polygon]
add_child [Osg.Composite_shape]
add_child [Osg.Group]
add_clip_plane [Osg.Clip_node]
add_drawable [Osg.Geode]
add_event_handler [OsgViewer.Viewer]
add_hole [Osg.Convex_planar_occluder]
add_mesh [OsgCal.Model]
add_primitive_set [Osg.Geometry]
add_shader [Osg.Program]
add_uniform [Osg.State_set]
Set this StateSet to contain specified uniform and override flag.
advance [OsgViewer.Viewer]
ambient_only_lighting [Osg.Utils]
animation_durations [OsgCal.Core_model]
animation_names [OsgCal.Core_model]
attach_texture [Osg.Camera]

blend_animation [OsgCal.Model]

call [OsgViewer.Threaded_viewer]
Call specified function in viewer's thread and return result to caller's thread.
center [Osg.Bounding_sphere]
center [Osg.Bounding_box]
change_parameters [OsgCal.Mesh]
Change mesh display settings
clear_animation [OsgCal.Model]
clone [Osg.Node]
clone [Osg.State_set]
The same as new osg::StateSet( *basicStateSet ), useful if you want to change state set which is shared by several drawables and don't want other drawables to be changed.
close [OsgViewer.Viewer]
unref() underlying osg::Viewer, can be good alternative to close viewer without using of Gc.full_major
compute_home_position [OsgGA.Matrix_manipulator]
Compute the home position.
compute_intersections [OsgViewer.Viewer]
compute_window_matrix [Osg.Viewport]
contains_all_of_bounding_box [Osg.Polytope]
Check whether the entire bounding box is contained within clipping set.
contains_all_of_vec3_array [Osg.Polytope]
Check whether all of vertex list is contained with clipping set.
contains_bounding_box [Osg.Polytope]
Check whether any part of a bounding box is contained within clipping set.
contains_vec3 [Osg.Polytope]
Check whether a vertex is contained within clipping set.
contains_vec3_array [Osg.Polytope]
Check whether any part of vertex list is contained within clipping set.
core_mesh [OsgCal.Mesh]
core_model [OsgCal.Model]
create [OsgCal.Mesh_parameters]
create [OsgViewer.Threading_handler]
create threading toggler
create [OsgViewer.Window_size_handler]
create full-screen toggler
create [OsgViewer.Help_handler]
create help handler
create [OsgViewer.Stats_handler]
create stats handler
create [OsgViewer.Threaded_viewer]
create [OsgViewer.Viewer]
create [OsgText.Text]
create [OsgText.String]
create [OsgUtil.Simplifier]
Simplified creation of simplifier object, Osg.Node_visitor.t returned.
create [OsgUtil.Line_segment_intersector.Intersections]
create [OsgUtil.Optimizer]
create [OsgUtil.Gl_objects_visitor]
create [OsgGA.Animation_path_manipulator]
create [OsgGA.Trackball_manipulator]
create [OsgGA.State_set_manipulator]
create [OsgGA.Gui_event_handler]
create custom Gui_event_handler with overloaded handle(ea, aa) method
create [Osg.Animation_path.Control_point]
create position rotation scale
create [Osg.Animation_path]
create [Osg.Timer]
Create new timer instance
create [Osg.Clip_node]
create [Osg.Occluder_node]
create [Osg.Shape_drawable]
create [Osg.Tessellation_hints]
create [Osg.Composite_shape]
create [Osg.Sphere]
create [Osg.Cylinder]
create [Osg.Cone]
create [Osg.Capsule]
create [Osg.Box]
create [Osg.Camera]
Simplified creation of camera, node returned.
create [Osg.Viewport]
create x y width height
create [Osg.Matrix_transform]
create [Osg.Geode]
create [Osg.Geometry]
Simplified creation of geometry object, drawable returned.
create [Osg.Draw_arrays]
create [Osg.Group]
create [Osg.Node]
create [Osg.Node_callback]
create [Osg.Texture_2d]
Simplified creation of texture2d state attribute object.
create [Osg.Program]
create [Osg.Shader]
create type source
create [Osg.Polygon_offset]
create factor units
create [Osg.Material]
Simplified creation of material state attribute object.
create [Osg.Fog]
create [Osg.Depth]
create function znear zfar write_mask
create [Osg.Cull_face]
create [Osg.Color_mask]
create red green blue alpha
create [Osg.Clip_plane]
create [Osg.Blend_func]
create source destination
create [Osg.Convex_planar_occluder]
create [Osg.Convex_planar_polygon]
create [Osg.Plane]
create a b c d
create [Osg.Matrix]
create [Osg.Quat]
create [Osg.Vec4_array]
create [Osg.Vec3_array]
create [Osg.Vec2_array]
create [Osg.Vec4]
create [Osg.Vec3]
create [Osg.Vec2]
create' [OsgViewer.Viewer]
create' [OsgText.Text]
create' [OsgText.String]
create' [OsgUtil.Simplifier]
create' [OsgGA.Animation_path_manipulator]
create animation path OsgGA.Matrix_manipulator.t
create' [OsgGA.Trackball_manipulator]
create Trackball OsgGA.Matrix_manipulator.t
create' [Osg.Animation_path]
create' [Osg.Clip_node]
create' [Osg.Occluder_node]
create' [Osg.Shape_drawable]
create' [Osg.Tessellation_hints]
create' [Osg.Composite_shape]
create' [Osg.Sphere]
create center radius
create' [Osg.Cylinder]
create center radius height
create' [Osg.Cone]
create center radius height
create' [Osg.Capsule]
create center radius height
create' [Osg.Box]
create center length_x length_y length_z
create' [Osg.Camera]
create' [Osg.Matrix_transform]
create' [Osg.Geode]
create' [Osg.Geometry]
create' [Osg.Draw_arrays]
create mode first count creates glDrawArrays call in parent Osg.Geometry
create' [Osg.Group]
create' [Osg.Texture_2d]
create' [Osg.Program]
create' [Osg.Material]
create' [Osg.Fog]
create' [Osg.Clip_plane]
create plane_num plane
create' [Osg.Convex_planar_occluder]
create' [Osg.Convex_planar_polygon]
create' [Osg.Polytope]
create empty polytope
create' [Osg.Bounding_sphere]
create' [Osg.Bounding_box]
create' [Osg.Vec4_array]
create' [Osg.Vec3_array]
create' [Osg.Vec2_array]
create2 [OsgGA.Gui_event_handler]
create custom Gui_event_handler with overloaded handle(ea, aa) method
create_and_run [OsgViewer.Viewer]
create_camera_manipulators [OsgGA.Utils]
create default camera OsgGA.Matrix_manipulator.ts, i.e.
create_hud [Osg.Utils]
create_normal_distance [Osg.Plane]
create normal distance
create_normal_point [Osg.Plane]
create normal point
create_separate [Osg.Blend_func]
create source_rgb destination_rgb source_alpha destination_alpha (using glBlendFuncSeparate)
cross [Osg.Vec3]

default [OsgCal.Mesh_parameters]
default_lighting [Osg.Utils]
default_mesh_adder [OsgCal.Model]
delta_s [Osg.Timer]
Get the time in seconds between timer ticks t1 and t2.
distance [Osg.Plane]
calculate the distance between a point and the plane.
dot [Osg.Vec4]
dot [Osg.Vec3]
dot [Osg.Vec2]
dynamic_cast [OsgViewer.Viewer]

event_traversal [OsgViewer.Viewer]
execute_action [OsgCal.Model]

float [Osg.Uniform]
frame [OsgViewer.Viewer]
frustum [Osg.Matrix]
frustum left right bottom top znear zfar Create a perspective projection.

get_bound [Osg.Drawable]
get_bound [Osg.Node]
Get the bounding sphere of node.
get_button_mask [OsgGA.Gui_event_adapter]
get current mouse button state
get_camera [OsgViewer.Viewer]
get_center [OsgGA.Trackball_manipulator]
Get the center of the trackball.
get_child [Osg.Group]
get_contexts [OsgViewer.Viewer]
get_distance [OsgGA.Trackball_manipulator]
Get the distance of the trackball.
get_drawable [OsgUtil.Line_segment_intersector.Intersection]
get_drawable [Osg.Geode]
get_event_type [OsgGA.Gui_event_adapter]
Get the type of the GUI.
get_interpolated_control_point [Osg.Animation_path]
get_inverse [Osg.Animation_path.Control_point]
get_inverse_matrix [OsgGA.Matrix_manipulator]
get the position of the manipulator as a inverse matrix of the manipulator, typically used as a model view matrix.
get_key [OsgGA.Gui_event_adapter]
get key pressed, return None if inappropriate for this OsgGA.Gui_event_adapter.
get_matrix [OsgGA.Matrix_manipulator]
get the position of the manipulator as 4x4 Matrix.
get_matrix [Osg.Animation_path.Control_point]
get_mouse [OsgGA.Gui_event_adapter]
get_mouse t -> (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)
get_mouse_buttons [OsgGA.Gui_event_adapter]
get currently pressed mouse buttons list
get_name [Osg.Object]
Get the name of object.
get_num_children [Osg.Group]
get_num_drawables [Osg.Geode]
get_or_create_state_set [Osg.Drawable]
get_or_create_state_set [Osg.Node]
get_parents [Osg.Drawable]
get_planes [Osg.Polytope]
get_projection_matrix [Osg.Camera]
get_rotate [Osg.Matrix]
get_rotation [OsgGA.Trackball_manipulator]
Get the rotation of the trackball.
get_scale [Osg.Matrix]
get_scene_data [OsgViewer.Viewer]
get_state [Osg.Graphics_context]
get_trans [Osg.Matrix]
get_view_matrix [Osg.Camera]
get_viewport [Osg.Camera]
get_window [OsgGA.Gui_event_adapter]
get_window t -> (x, y, width, height)
get_world_matrices [Osg.Node]
Get the list of matrices that transform this node from local coordinates to world coordinates.
get_x [OsgGA.Gui_event_adapter]
get current mouse x position.
get_y [OsgGA.Gui_event_adapter]
get current mouse y position.
gl_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT [Osg.Camera]
gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT [Osg.Camera]
gl_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT [Osg.Camera]
gl_LIGHTING [Osg.State_set]
TODO: make this less ad-hoc
gl_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL [Osg.State_set]
gl_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE [Osg.State_set]

home [OsgGA.Matrix_manipulator]
home current_time Move the camera to the default position.

in_degrees [Osg.Math]
return angle in radians for angle in degrees
in_raidans [Osg.Math]
insert [Osg.Animation_path]
instance [Osg.Display_settings]
Maintain a DisplaySettings singleton for objects to query at runtime.
instance [Osg.Timer]
Get global timer instance
int [Osg.Uniform]
intersect_bounding_box [Osg.Plane]
intersection test between plane and bounding box.
intersect_vec3_array [Osg.Plane]
intersection test between plane and vertex list return 1 if the bs is completely above plane, return 0 if the bs intersects the plane, return -1 if the bs is completely below the plane.
inverse [Osg.Matrix]
inverse [Osg.Quat]
Multiplicative inverse method: q^(-1) = q^* / ( q.q^* ).

labl_create [OsgText.Text]
labl_create [OsgUtil.Simplifier]
Simplified creation of simplifier object.
labl_create [Osg.Clip_node]
labl_create [Osg.Shape_drawable]
labl_create [Osg.Camera]
Simplified creation of camera
labl_create [Osg.Geometry]
Simplified creation of geometry object.
labl_create [Osg.Group]
labl_create [Osg.Texture_2d]
Simplified creation of texture2d object.
labl_create [Osg.Material]
Simplified creation of material object.
labl_create [Osg.Fog]
length [Osg.Vec3]
length2 [Osg.Vec3]
load [OsgCal.Model]
load [OsgCal.Core_model]
look_at [Osg.Matrix]
look_at eye center up Create the position and orientation as per a camera, using the same convention as gluLookAt.

make_current [Osg.Graphics_context]
mask_of_value [Osg.State_attribute]
mask_of_values [Osg.State_attribute]
mat4 [Osg.Uniform]
max [Osg.Bounding_box]
mesh_parameters [OsgCal.Core_mesh]
meshes [OsgCal.Model]
Get list of meshes with specific name
min [Osg.Bounding_box]
minus [Osg.Vec4]
minus [Osg.Vec3]
minus [Osg.Vec2]
mult [Osg.Matrix]
mult [Osg.Vec4]
mult [Osg.Vec3]
mult [Osg.Vec2]

name [OsgCal.Core_mesh]

of_array [Osg.Quat]
of_array [Osg.Vec4]
of_array [Osg.Vec3]
of_array [Osg.Vec2]
of_tuple [Osg.Quat]
of_tuple [Osg.Vec4]
of_tuple [Osg.Vec3]
of_tuple [Osg.Vec2]
optimize [OsgUtil.Optimizer]
optimize2 [OsgUtil.Optimizer]
ortho [Osg.Matrix]
ortho left right bottom top znear zfar Create an orthographic projection matrix.
ortho_2d [Osg.Matrix]
ortho_2d left right bottom top Create an orthographic projection matrix.

pi [Osg.Math]
pi_2 [Osg.Math]
pi_4 [Osg.Math]
plus [Osg.Vec4]
plus [Osg.Vec3]
plus [Osg.Vec2]
post_mult3 [Osg.Matrix]
post_mult4 [Osg.Matrix]
pre_mult3 [Osg.Matrix]
pre_mult4 [Osg.Matrix]
push_back [Osg.Vec4_array]
push_back [Osg.Vec3_array]
push_back [Osg.Vec2_array]

radius [Osg.Bounding_sphere]
radius2 [Osg.Bounding_sphere]
read_font_file [OsgText]
read_image_file [OsgDB]
Read an Osg.Image from file.
read_node_file [OsgDB]
Read an Osg.Node from file.
realize [OsgViewer.Viewer]
release_context [Osg.Graphics_context]
remove_action [OsgCal.Model]
remove_child [Osg.Group]
remove_child pos num_children_to_remove
remove_uniform [Osg.State_set]
remove uniform from StateSet.
rendering_traversals [OsgViewer.Viewer]
reserve [Osg.Vec4_array]
reserve [Osg.Vec3_array]
reserve [Osg.Vec2_array]
rotate [Osg.Matrix]
rotate angle_in_radians axis_x axis_y axis_z
rotate_from_to [Osg.Matrix]
rotate_from_to vec3_from vec3_to
rotate_quat [Osg.Matrix]
rotate_quat quaternion
rotate_vec3 [Osg.Matrix]
rotate_vec3 angle_in_radians axis
run [OsgViewer.Viewer]

sampler_2d_shadow [Osg.Uniform]
scale [Osg.Matrix]
scale [Osg.Vec4]
scale [Osg.Vec3]
scale [Osg.Vec2]
scale_vec3 [Osg.Matrix]
set [Osg.Uniform]
set_alignment [OsgText.Text]
set_alpha [Osg.Material]
set_ambient [Osg.Material]
set_and_transform [Osg.Texture]
set_attribute [Osg.State_set]
Set this Osg.State_set to contain specified attribute and override flag.
set_attribute_and_modes [Osg.State_set]
Set this Osg.State_set to contain specified attribute and set the associated GLMode's to specified value.
set_auto_compute_home_position [OsgGA.Matrix_manipulator]
Set whether the automatic compute of the home position is enabled.
set_axis_alignment [OsgText.Text]
set_backdrop_color [OsgText.Text]
set_backdrop_offset [OsgText.Text]
Default: 0.07
set_backdrop_type [OsgText.Text]
set_by_inverse_matrix [OsgGA.Matrix_manipulator]
set the position of the matrix manipulator using a 4x4 Matrix.
set_by_matrix [OsgGA.Matrix_manipulator]
set the position of the matrix manipulator using a 4x4 Matrix.
set_camera_manipulator [OsgViewer.Viewer]
set_character_size [OsgText.Text]
Set the rendered character size in object coordinates.
set_character_size_mode [OsgText.Text]
Set how the CharacterSize value relates to the final rendered character.
set_child [Osg.Group]
set_clear_color [Osg.Camera]
set_clear_mask [Osg.Camera]
Set the clear mask used in glClear().
set_color [OsgText.Text]
set_color [Osg.Shape_drawable]
set_color [Osg.Fog]
set_color_array [Osg.Geometry]
set_color_array_vec4 [Osg.Geometry]
set_color_binding [Osg.Geometry]
set_color_mode [Osg.Material]
set_compute_near_far_mode [Osg.Camera]
set_compute_near_far_mode [Osg.Cull_settings]
set_cull_callback [Osg.Node]
set_culling_active [Osg.Node]
set_density [Osg.Fog]
set_detail_ratio [Osg.Tessellation_hints]
set_diffuse [Osg.Material]
set_do_tri_strip [OsgUtil.Simplifier]
Default: true
set_drawable [Osg.Geode]
set_element [Osg.Uniform]
set_emission [Osg.Material]
set_end [Osg.Fog]
set_filter [Osg.Texture]
Sets the texture filter mode.
set_fog_coordinate_source [Osg.Fog]
set_font [OsgText.Text]
set_font_resolution [OsgText.Text]
Set the OsgText.Font reference width and height resolution in texels.
set_frame_handler [OsgViewer.Threaded_viewer]
set_home_position [OsgGA.Matrix_manipulator]
set_home_position eye center up Manually set the home position, and set the automatic compute of home position.
set_image [Osg.Texture_2d]
Sets the texture image.
set_image [Osg.Texture]
Sets the texture image for the specified face.
set_internal_format [Osg.Texture]
Sets the internal texture format.
set_line_spacing [OsgText.Text]
Set the line spacing of the text box, given as a percentage of the character height.
set_loop_mode [Osg.Animation_path]
set_matrix [Osg.Matrix_transform]
set_max_number_of_graphics_contexts [Osg.Display_settings]
set_maximum_error [OsgUtil.Simplifier]
Set the maximum point error that all point removals must be less than to permit removal of a point.
set_maximum_length [OsgUtil.Simplifier]
Set the maximum length target that all edges must be shorted than.
set_mode [Osg.State_set]
set_mode [Osg.Fog]
set_normal_array [Osg.Geometry]
set_normal_array_vec3 [Osg.Geometry]
set_normal_binding [Osg.Geometry]
set_occluder [Osg.Occluder_node]
set_occluder [Osg.Convex_planar_occluder]
set_position [OsgText.Text]
set_projection_matrix [Osg.Camera]
set_reference_frame [Osg.Camera]
set_reference_frame [Osg.Transform]
Set the transform's ReferenceFrame, either to be relative to its parent reference frame, or relative to an absolute coordinate frame.
set_render_bin_details [Osg.State_set]
set_render_bin_details state_set bin_num bin_name
set_render_order [Osg.Camera]
set_render_target_implementation [Osg.Camera]
set_rotate [Osg.Matrix]
Directly set rotation (tranlation unchanged)
set_rotation [OsgText.Text]
set_rotation [Osg.Cylinder]
set_rotation [Osg.Cone]
set_rotation [Osg.Capsule]
set_rotation [Osg.Box]
set_sample_ratio [OsgUtil.Simplifier]
Default: 1.0
set_scene_data [OsgViewer.Viewer]
set_shadow_ambient [Osg.Texture]
Sets the TEXTURE_COMPARE_FAIL_VALUE_ARB texture parameter.
set_shadow_compare_func [Osg.Texture]
Sets shadow texture comparison function.
set_shadow_comparison [Osg.Texture]
set_shadow_texture_mode [Osg.Texture]
Sets shadow texture mode after comparison.
set_shininess [Osg.Material]
set_smoothing [OsgUtil.Simplifier]
Default: true
set_source_format [Osg.Texture]
Sets the external source image format, used as a fallback when no Osg.Image is attached to provide the source image format.
set_specular [Osg.Material]
set_start [Osg.Fog]
set_state [OsgUtil.Gl_objects_visitor]
set_state_set [Osg.Drawable]
set_tex_coord_array [Osg.Geometry]
set_tex_coord_array_vec3 [Osg.Geometry]
set_text [OsgText.Text]
set_text_direct [OsgText.Text]
Same as OsgText.Text.set_text but doesn't create immediate osgText::String
set_text_direct' [OsgText.Text]
set_texture_attribute_and_modes [Osg.State_set]
Set this Osg.State_set to contain specified texture attribute and set the associated GLMode's to specified value.
set_texture_size [Osg.Texture_2d]
set_threading_model [OsgViewer.Viewer]
set_to_unit_frustum [Osg.Polytope]
Create a Polytope which is a cube, centered at 0,0,0, with sides of 2 units.
set_to_unit_frustum' [Osg.Polytope]
set_trans [Osg.Matrix]
Directly set tranlation (rotation unchanged)
set_transform_order [Osg.Camera]
set_transparency [Osg.Material]
set_update_callback [Osg.Node]
set_vertex_array [Osg.Geometry]
set_vertex_array_vec3 [Osg.Geometry]
set_view_matrix [Osg.Camera]
set_viewport [Osg.Camera]
set_wrap [Osg.Texture]
Sets the texture wrap mode.
simplify [OsgUtil.Simplifier]
size [Osg.Vec4_array]
size [Osg.Vec3_array]
size [Osg.Vec2_array]
slerp [Osg.Quat]
Spherical Linear Interpolation.
stop [OsgViewer.Threaded_viewer]

tick [Osg.Timer]
Get the timers tick value.
to_array [OsgUtil.Line_segment_intersector.Intersections]
to_array [Osg.Matrix]
to_array [Osg.Quat]
to_array [Osg.Vec4]
to_array [Osg.Vec3]
to_array [Osg.Vec2]
to_cull_settings [Osg.Camera]
cast to Osg.Cull_settings - WARNING - it keeps pointer to cull settings, so if camera is garbage collected, you can get memory error
to_drawable [OsgCal.Mesh]
to_drawable [OsgText.Text]
to_drawable [Osg.Shape_drawable]
to_drawable [Osg.Geometry]
to_group [Osg.Clip_node]
to_group [Osg.Occluder_node]
to_group [Osg.Camera]
to_group [Osg.Matrix_transform]
to_matrix_manipulator [OsgGA.Animation_path_manipulator]
to_matrix_manipulator [OsgGA.Trackball_manipulator]
to_node [OsgCal.Model]
to_node [Osg.Clip_node]
to_node [Osg.Camera]
to_node [Osg.Geode]
to_node [Osg.Group]
to_node [Osg.Node]
to_node_visitor [OsgUtil.Simplifier]
to_node_visitor [OsgUtil.Gl_objects_visitor]
to_object [Osg.Drawable]
to_osg_array [Osg.Vec4_array]
to_osg_array [Osg.Vec3_array]
to_osg_array [Osg.Vec2_array]
to_primitive_set [Osg.Draw_arrays]
to_shape [Osg.Composite_shape]
to_shape [Osg.Sphere]
to_shape [Osg.Cylinder]
to_shape [Osg.Cone]
to_shape [Osg.Capsule]
to_shape [Osg.Box]
to_state_attribute [Osg.Texture_2d]
to_state_attribute [Osg.Texture]
to_state_attribute [Osg.Program]
to_state_attribute [Osg.Material]
to_state_attribute [Osg.Fog]
to_state_attribute [Osg.Clip_plane]
to_texture [Osg.Texture_2d]
to_transform [Osg.Camera]
to_tuple [Osg.Matrix]
to_tuple [Osg.Quat]
to_tuple [Osg.Vec4]
to_tuple [Osg.Vec3]
to_tuple [Osg.Vec2]
transform [Osg.Polytope]
Transform the clipping set by matrix.
transform_providing_inverse [Osg.Polytope]
Transform the clipping set by provide a pre inverted matrix.
translate [Osg.Matrix]
translate_vec3 [Osg.Matrix]
traverse [Osg.Node_callback]
Call any nested callbacks and then traverse the scene graph.

update_traversal [OsgViewer.Viewer]

values_of_mask [Osg.State_attribute]
vdone [OsgViewer.Viewer]
vec2 [Osg.Uniform]
vec3 [Osg.Uniform]
vec4 [Osg.Uniform]

w [Osg.Quat]
w [Osg.Vec4]
wait [OsgViewer.Threaded_viewer]
with_new_parameters [OsgCal.Core_mesh]
Create mesh with new display settings

x [Osg.Quat]
x [Osg.Vec4]
x [Osg.Vec3]
x [Osg.Vec2]

y [Osg.Quat]
y [Osg.Vec4]
y [Osg.Vec3]
y [Osg.Vec2]

z [Osg.Quat]
z [Osg.Vec4]
z [Osg.Vec3]